- Polyploidy Webinar - biweekly seminar about polyploidy
- Cotton storymap - a pretty cool depiction of cotton and agriculture and globalization and GMOs and many other topics, all in one pretty nifty story map developed by a new assistant professor in anthropology at Purdue. He is open to contributions from others.
Bioinformatics is learnable
Science is fun
- iNaturalist - a nature app to connect with worldwide naturalists to identify plants and animals.
- PictureThis - pocket botanist! Take a plant pictue and identify
- The Evolution Lab game - play this game to become an expert in phylogenetics
- Skype a scientist - classroom chat with a scientist
- Evolution video game - board game is also available
- Science journal for kids
- Scitable - resources on genetics and cell biology from Nature; suitable for undergraduare and high schoole biology students
- Nature Masterclasses - Online courses offered by Nature on scientific writing, profession development, etc.
- Kaggle data sciencce courses
- TimeTree - find out the divergence time between species *Kew Tree of Life Explorer